Help for Anxiety & Depression.

Counseling Therapy in Brentwood, TN

An Inclusive Counseling Practice Providing a Safe Place to Heal.

Life Feeling Out of Control Lately?

The daily news – locally, nationally and abroad – can cause a lot of unpleasant sleepless nights. 

It may not take much to feel stress, anxiety and overwhelm that can lead to a depressed mood. 

That energy has to go somewhere and it shows up in many different ways.

Stress headaches. Burnout. Grief. Relationship difficulties. Ulcers. Numbness. Or simply fill in the blank____________.

It Seems to Come Out of Nowhere.

You know the cycle all too well. The racing heartbeat, the shortness of breath, the feelings of panic. It can feel paralyzing at times.

“Other people seem to have no problems,” you assume. “Why am I having such difficulty dealing with life stressors?”

Life is difficult at times and unpleasant things do happen to good people.  

It’s easy to feel lost and confused.

You Don’t Have to Navigate Anxiety & Depression Alone. 

When you feel those physical sensations and thoughts of fear that keep you stuck, it can feel confusing and frustrating. 

You feel as if you’re too much of a burden to friends and loved ones because you cannot seem to relinquish your anxieties. 

You’re not too much. You just need some help and healing.

If you feel trapped in the painful cycle of anxiety and depression, today is the day you can begin break free and to feel better.

Now is the time and today is the day to break free from what is holding you back or keeping you stuck. 

Help is Available. 

I’ll help you get back on the road to resilience and healing. ​​

I offer a safe, non-judgmental space to help you find your way back to freedom. 

In this confidential space, you’ll  begin to learn to trust your own inner wisdom and find the tools to help manage your fears. 

Take the Next Step.

Pick up the phone and call me at (615) 852-5055  for a free 20-minute consultation.

Or fill out the form on this page and I’ll be in touch.

Don’t put off feeling better one more minute.

Let’s talk about what’s holding you back and move you toward a greater sense of freedom.

Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful. Begin to learn how to live your best life today. 

Schedule your

Free Consultation