What is EMDR?
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) therapy has been extensively researched and has been proven effective for the treatment of trauma.
It can accelerate life changes that traditional talk therapy can take years to accomplish.
What is trauma and how do I know if I have experienced it?
A common statement that I most often hear from people is, ” I don’t have any trauma. Nothing catastrophic has ever happened to me”. There may not have been any big incidents that you would identify as trauma but, there still may be disturbing events that your body is holding on to. I encourage you to not get preoccupied with defining trauma, but to notice what it is you are holding onto that may be causing distress.
Giving yourself permission to view trauma from a different perspective.
We are unique individuals who process and experience life in our own unique way. In order to protect and care for ourselves, our brain stores the event from the perspective/age of who you were at the time the incident occurred. Who you were at the time of the event is different from who you are today but, your brain has not had the opportunity to process and store this memory in a healthy way. Instead, it is frozen or stuck in its original format.
How does EMDR work?
The good news is that we know how to process memories and get them unstuck! With EMDR, we are able to target specific memories, reprocess them, and store them in an adaptive format. EMDR is an extremely effective tool that is used in the healing process. Whether you feel that you have a huge trauma, or a disturbing event, EMDR can benefit you!
It starts by targeting a limiting belief that comes from a life event – a major trauma or a repetitive experience that has altered your sense of being. Some examples are: “I am not safe,” “I am not enough,” “I am stupid,” “I am unlovable.” The brain is “reprogrammed” through back and forth eye movements so that stuck energy is released and a positive belief is implanted.
Anxiety is reduced. Depression can be lifted. What was once an impossibility can now be a reality. What was holding you back in relationships becomes more manageable. How you once felt about yourself changes to something more realistic and positive. What you were afraid of becomes more trivial. How you see the world and the people in it changes for the better.
It’s permanent! The changes that occur don’t go backward to “before.” It’s a brain thing!
There is a way!
Healing is possible. Even though you have lived through the “terrible” times, the troublesome residual effects are still there. They can be eased! Learning new strategies for coping are possible through therapy.
I’ve successfully worked with many trauma survivors helping them to have a more fulfilling and joyful life. Together we can learn ways to manage anxiety. To face what’s in the way of living the life you want. To do whatever it takes to get that life.
It seems too good to be true!
Sounds like a miracle? Yes, it does. It’s not truly a miracle, but profound changes can occur that seem like a miracle! This has been proven by testing. It has to do with how information gets stuck in certain parts of the brain.
It’s not hypnotism or voodoo! It’s not magic. A major trauma simply becomes “smaller” – having less of an impact. Limiting beliefs simply change into something more positive and life-giving.
It can even help with enhanced performance in speaking to groups, playing music, and writing the novel you’ve always wanted to write.
Together, we will explore what you are experiencing, what you want to happen, and decide if EMDR is an option. I will show you exactly how it works and what to expect beforehand.
Are you ready to change your life and start thriving?
If you or someone you know has experienced disturbing events, and are ready to begin treatment, please feel free to give me a call, and we can work together on finding the treatment option that works best for you.
Give me a call – (615) 852-5055 – and let’s work together on finding the treatment option that works best for you.